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Mana Cloud Math Rock Swap

Dice Trade

January 29 @ 4:00 pmJanuary 30 @ 6:00 pm

Dice Trade / Math Rock Swap

Mana Cloud Dice Swap Event

Bored of your same old shiny math rocks?

Tired of dice that roll well for everyone (EXCEPT you)? So-so on a set that doesn’t suit your character? Fed up with outlaw click-clacks that wont stay out of dice jail?

Consider yourself cordially invited to an open dice trade hosted at Mana Cloud! A community swap meet crafted exclusively to help slake the insatiable appetite of local dice goblins.

Bring in your sets and singles, find a table to lay out your wares, and hope to connect with another goblin looking to trade! There will be a take-one-leave-one bowl set out of dice singles for anyone to use for quick-swaps or to leave dice donations. Any donations remaining after the event ends will be added into the store’s community-use game dice jar.

Still can’t get enough dice? We will also have all of our mystery dice sets on sale all day on the 29th!

Further Details

This is a free community event that will be hosted inside Mana Cloud. Event begins at 4pm. No registration is required.

The store will not be facilitating between swaps; all trade transactions will be handled between the trader and tradee. If requested, store employees may help in matters of approximate dice appraisal.


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January 29 @ 4:00 pm
January 30 @ 6:00 pm
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Mana Cloud
293 W 3rd St
Lafayette, OR 97127 United States
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